Policy Country/Region Year Keywords
National EV Infrastructure Formula Program America 2022 Subsidies,New Energy Vehicles,Infrastructure
Zero Emission Vehicles Standards Canada 2022 Subsidies,New Energy Vehicles
e-AMRIT - Accelerated e-Mobility Revolution for India's Transportation India 2022 New Energy Vehicles
National Recovery Plan / E. Green and smart mobility Poland 2022 New Energy Vehicles,Transportation Structure
Green loan to finance innovation strategy in high-speed trains Spain 2022 Subsidies,Transportation Structure
Budget 2021 Sweden 2022 Infrastructure,Transportation Structure
Package to tackle the energy price crisis Sweden 2022 Subsidies,New Energy Vehicles
Strengthening the CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and new light commercial vehicles EU 2022 Carbon Accounting,New Energy Vehicles
Revised regulation on CO2 emission limits for new cars and vans EU 2022 New Energy Vehicles,Infrastructure
Multi-State Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle Action Plan America 2022 New Energy Vehicles
Investment in the installation electric vehicle (EV) chargers Canada 2022 Subsidies,New Energy Vehicles
Western Australia state budget 2022-2023 Australia 2022 Subsidies,New Energy Vehicles
EIB-JBIC joint investments in the EU infrastructure connectivity and carbon neutrality projects Japan 2022 Pilot Program,Infrastructure
Support Decree 1 Italy 2022 Subsidies,Low-carbon Mobility
Temporary fuel subsidy for transport companies Finland 2022 Subsidies
Budget 2021 Sweden 2022 Infrastructure,Transportation Structure
Climate Premium for environmental vehicles Sweden 2022 Subsidies,New Energy Vehicles
the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) EU 2022 Carbon Accounting
Inflation Reduction Act 2022 America 2022 Subsidies,New Energy Vehicles
Canada's Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) sales targets Canada 2022 New Energy Vehicles
Budget October 2022–23: Energy and emissions reduction Australia 2022 Subsidies,Infrastructure
National Recovery Plan / E. Green and smart mobility Poland 2022 New Energy Vehicles,Transportation Structure
Enlargement of subsidy for electrical bike purchase France 2022 Low-carbon Mobility
Budget 2021 Sweden 2022 Infrastructure,Transportation Structure
State support for the electrification of heavy transport Sweden 2022 Pilot Program
European Chip Act EU 2022 New Energy Vehicles
Revised regulation on CO2 emission limits for new cars and vans EU 2022 New Energy Vehicles,Infrastructure


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