Policy Country/Region Year Keywords
Critical Raw Materials Act EU 2020 New Energy Vehicles
Critical Raw Materials Act EU 2020 New Energy Vehicles
European Chip Act EU 2022 New Energy Vehicles
VAT Exemption for Electric Cars UK 2021 New Energy Vehicles
UK Budget 2020 - Van Benefit Charge Nil-Rating for Zero Emission Vans UK 2021 Subsidies,New Energy Vehicles
Strengthened ordinance (2017: 1334) on climate bonus cars Sweden 2021 Subsidies,New Energy Vehicles
Motor Vehicle Tax Law Turkey 2021 New Energy Vehicles
Amendments to the “Enforcement Decree of the Environment-friendly Vehicles Act” Korea 2021 New Energy Vehicles
Mid-term evaluation of the Passenger Automobile and Light Truck Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations Canada 2021 New Energy Vehicles
Regulations Amending the Heavy-duty Vehicle and Engine Greenhouse Gas Emission Regulations and Other Regulations Made Under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act Canada 2018 New Energy Vehicles
The zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) standard 魁北克省零排放汽车标准 Canada 2019 New Energy Vehicles
Advanced Clean Truck Regulation America 2020 New Energy Vehicles
Governor Newsom’s 2020 Executive Order N-79-20 America 2020 New Energy Vehicles
Advanced Clean Cars II , ACC II New Energy Vehicles
Inflation Reduction Act 2022 America 2022 Subsidies,New Energy Vehicles


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